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    Incarceration and Control

    Learning Outcomes

    • Define and operationalize concepts specific to incarceration, and post incarceration control through probation and/or parole in the United States
    • Identify and describe historical, structural and cultural issues related to the correctional processes in the
    • Summarize the goals, organizations and procedures of the correctional system in the United States.



    1. Review the Lectures and Key Terms for**
    2. Complete the BlackBoard Quizzes for lectures and Key Terms Sec 6.1 – 6.3
    3. Read Corrections (8.6 – 8.13)*
    4. Watch Mass Incarceration in the United States(4 min)*****
    5. Watch Habeas Corpus: The Guantanamo Cases (25 min)****
    6. Review Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2019*****
    7. Write a reflection on Myths 1 – 5 presented in Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2019******


    1. Review the Lectures and Key Terms for**
    2. Complete the BlackBoard Quizzes for lectures and Key Terms Sec 6.4 – 6.5
    3. Read Community Corrections (9.1 – 9.11)*
    4. Complete the Community Corrections Critical ThInking Questions Exercise*
    5. Read Current Issues in Community Corrections (9.12 – 9.16)*
    6. Complete the Current Issues in Corrections Critical ThInking Questions Exercise*


    *Introduction to the American Criminal Justice System: Open Oregon Educational Resources

    **Criminal Justice: An Overview of the System: Adam McKee

    ***Criminal Law by University of Minnesota textbook

    ****Annenberg Classroom

    *****Prison Policy Initiative